Our opening quote contended that Venn diagrams are overrated. Even those who agree must admit that they have a curious allure. Take the sets of interesting topics in logic, in geometry and in ...
The Venn diagram shows the information from the survey. 13 people have got a dog. The circle for the set of people with a dog has 5 people who just have a dog and 8 people who have both a cat and ...
The man who invented the elegant overlapping circle diagrams would have been 180 today. Infographic: Which Flu Strain Is Most Likely To Bring The Apocalypse? H1N1? Bird flu? Swine flu? Confused?
Byrne. The Geometry of Compasses; or, Problems Resolved by the mere Description of Circles, and "the Use of Coloured Diagrams and Symbols". By Oliver Byrne. (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co., ...