Slippery salamanders glide mysteriously through the canopies of the world’s tallest trees. Now, scientists say they ...
Discover the surprising secret behind the climbing abilities of salamanders. Scientists reveal how transparent toe tips help ...
While leaping through the trees might sound fun, take-off and landing require a certain level of precision (unless you're a ...
Wandering salamanders are known for gliding high through the canopies of coastal redwood forests, but how the small ...
Scientists found that wandering salamanders control blood flow in their toe tips, helping them grip and release surfaces.
Wandering salamanders pump their toes full of blood before lifting their feet, a trick that may help them release their sticky grip while conserving energy ...
Flatwoods salamanders get their name from their native habitat of longleaf pine wiregrass flatwoods — now extremely rare — in the lower Southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States. Only about 3 ...
PULLMAN, Wash. — Wandering salamanders are known for gliding high through the canopies of coastal redwood forests, but how the small amphibians stick their landing and take-off with ease remains ...
Now, scientists say they understand how the small skydivers are able to maneuver seamlessly across California’s coastal redwoods. The answer might be surprising. Wandering salamanders can fill ...
Reticulated and frosted flatwoods salamanders were historically found throughout the once-extensive longleaf pine forests of the coastal plain in Alabama, Florida, South Carolina and Georgia. But ...