Collecting a urine sample from your dog can feel like a very daunting task. But with the right equipment and techniques, you ...
Cystocentesis, the aspiration of urine from the urinary bladder, has both diagnostic and therapeutic uses. This month, we discuss the diagnostic reasons for using this technique and summarize the ...
A scenic attraction of Southwest China's Sichuan Province peddles tiger urine. Photo: The Paper. In a scenic attraction of ...
Selection of an appropriate antibiotic requires urine culture and sensitivity. Cystocentesis is used to collect urine samples. The bacterial cystitis usually results from an ascending urethritis ...
A vitamin B12 blood test is one way to know if you’re B12 deficient. Some people opt for a urine test instead. Learn when ...
Unveiled by researchers from Cornell University in a paper published this week in Frontiers in Space Technologies, “stillsuit” prototypes use a unique urine collection and filtration system ...
A computerized clinical decision support tool implemented as a diagnostic stewardship intervention led to an approximate 50% decrease in urine culture testing for patients with a urinary catheter, ...
After both of these procedures, a catheter is fitted for a day or two, to collect urine while the patient recovers. Some NHS hospitals offer aquablation, which uses pressurised water instead of a ...