Woman who had agonizing stomach pain and a bloated belly had a twisted colon, or sigmoid volvulus. Doctors had to untwist it and remove part of her colon.
If your doctor recommends you have a colonoscopy, don’t worry. You may think it’s going to be a terrible procedure, but it won’t be. Most likely you won’t even be awake to remember it.
The CDC advises 45- to 75 year olds to get screened for colorectal cancer regularly. However, the American Cancer Society's statistics show that it is on the rise among people under the age of 50, ...
The scale rates three sections of the colon, right (cecum and ascending colon), mid-colon (transverse and descending) and rectosigmoid, on a five-point scale (0–4). Total score (0–14 ...
But there wasn’t a blockage, as she suspected. Instead, doctors discovered her colon had twisted on itself, which can become a life-threatening condition. Her colon had to be “unkinked ...
Negative colonoscopy screening results were linked ... Of the 195,453 included individuals (median age at baseline, 44 years; 81% women), 81,151 had NCS results and 114,302 did not have an endoscopy.