中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC,简称中国商飞)未来可能迎来一位重要客户——香港的国泰航空。根据国泰航空首席运营官亚历克斯·麦皓云(Alex ...
The C929 would have around 280-400 seats and a range of 12,000km (7,456 miles), according to Comac. Li Dongsheng, Comac's chief engineer of composite materials, told the Hangzhou-based ...
其中,中国商飞C929型号总设计师赵春玲,荣获全国三八红旗手标兵。 赵春玲,1985年毕业于河南偃师高中,以优异成绩进入西北工业大学,曾任上海 ...
Cathay Pacific does not rule out acquiring Comac aircraft - including possibly the in-development C929 widebody - in the long ...
Enter the C929 and C939. Comac appears laser-focused on producing its own liners capable of undertaking long-haul flights, an endeavour that is not only being driven by market demand but also ...
After more than two decades of work, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) has put two types ... planes are on the drawing board – the C929 widebody aircraft and the C939 jumbo ...
Cathay Pacific Group's operations chief, Alex McGowan, says there is a lack of visibility around its B777X deliveries.
China's COMAC wide-body C929 jet in 'detailed design stage', official says Chinese state-owned planemaker COMAC's first wide-body jet is in its "detailed design stage", an executive said on ...