Here's a list of foods to avoid. Some foods are problematic for several reasons: Leftover meat, fish or shellfish should be avoided in the composter. These foods decompose slowly and require very ...
The Reencle Home Composter is the first microorganism composter that produces something close to real compost by introducing bacillus, a bacteria found in compost heaps. Maintaining an optimal ...
The New York Post turned to Rick Carr, farm director and master composter at Rodale Institute, for a beginner’s guide on composting — along with learning about the best compost bins to shop ...
The Lomi, a chic indoor countertop composter, offers an alternative between throwing everything away and committing to the whole outdoor composting operation. I simply had to clear off a slab of ...
4MyCiTy unveiled its first Zero Waste Facility featuring the nation’s largest indoor composter, capable of processing 6,000 pounds of food waste into soil within 24 hours. The Baltimore-based ...
A worm composter, or wormery, can turn your kitchen food scraps into fantastic fertiliser for your house plants and garden. Compact, smell-free and faster than normal composting, a wormery harnesses ...
ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. — Erie County's Department of Environment and Planning announced that their annual composter and rain barrell sale is coming up. Order forms for the sale are live now ...
Most garden and raw kitchen waste will go into a standard composter: weds, grass clippings, herbaceous prunings clearings, old veg plants, raw kitchen scraps, paper and card are the usual items. The ...