Under the influence of gravity, dark matter forms an intricate cosmic web composed of filaments, at whose intersections the brightest galaxies emerge. This cosmic web acts as the scaffolding on which ...
"Little red dot" galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope in the early cosmos appear to be ruled by supermassive black holes that are 1,000 times too massive.
The position of galaxies in the cosmic web depends on the type of galaxy. More evolved, massive galaxies are found in over-dense regions such as the nodes where the strands of the web connect.
By observing the now scaled-up BAOs in the distribution of galaxies along the cosmic web and comparing them to the angular scale of the BAOs in the CMB, DESI calculates the Hubble constant to be ...
The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that the Coma Cluster of galaxies is 38 million light-years closer than it should ... The other tactic is to go back in time, ...