While a visual appraisal to gauge hay quality can be informative, extension experts stress that there’s only one way to truly know the quality of hay — getting an accurate test. “Hay that looks ...
An all-encompassing three-day educational opportunity for cow-calf producers is set for April 8 to 10 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
For a cow to feed a calf and retain its own body condition requires a good solid intake of essential nutrients. First-calf ...
Meat Goat Nutrition 101 Cows, sheep, and goats are domesticated ruminants. Ruminants are an unique set of mammals who possess the ability to upcycle low quality forage into high quality meat, milk, ...
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton will host a Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day on April 11 in Overton.