Symptoms present differently for everyone, and many of the traits are common for people without autism, like enjoying routines or enjoying going down rabbit holes of information. But to meet the ...
So that ultimately autism does not define them, Mr. Thomson said, and they are seen as who they are, people with ideas, capacities and contributions to make. Autism is mainly characterized by its ...
Details of the proposed CDC study have not been formally announced, but the Washington Post said the agency plans to analyze ...
What if autism is not becoming more common at all? What if the rise in diagnoses is a good thing? As a scientist with autism, I believe the rise in diagnoses is the result of greater awareness, better ...
What is the rate of autism among U.S. children? Among all U.S. 8-year-olds, 1 in 36 had autism in 2020. That's according to the most recent estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and ...
“The rate of autism is as much as it’s always been. Now, it’s just identified better,” Fisher told Healthline. “A lot of it ...
Living with autism means seeing the world differently -- sometimes more clearly, sometimes more intensely, but always ...
Before 1991, the federal government lumped children with autism in with other "intellectual disabilities." In 1994, the definition of autism included Asperger syndrome and children on the milder ...
But Begines, who is autistic, said he was determined to succeed. He didn’t want autism to define him. On Jan. 1, a special divisional board named him the 2025 Division 5 Young Marine of the Year ...