价格方面,暴力熊将AMD锐龙7 9800X3D开盖版定价为712.95美元(约合人民币5175元),比官方建议零售价高出约233美元, 但用户可以享受更高效的散热和开盖后的两年质保。
IT之家 2 月 27 日消息,暴力熊 Thermal Grizzly 当地时间昨日宣布推出 TG Delidded CPU 系列预开盖处理器产品,为想要享受开盖处理器更佳散热表现又担心 ...
IT之家 2 月 27 日消息,暴力熊 Thermal Grizzly 当地时间昨日宣布推出 TG Delidded CPU 系列预开盖处理器产品,为想要享受开盖处理器更佳散热表现又担心 ...
The packaging features a small box from Thermal Grizzly containing the original AMD packaging, the delidded CPU, the IHS, and a USB stick with additional information, such as expected temperatures ...
快科技2月27日消息,知名散热解决方案提供商暴力熊(Thermal Grizzly)推出了AMD锐龙7 9800X3D的开盖(delidded ... 开盖是指移除CPU的集成散热片(IHS ...
The real kicker for these delidded 9800X3D chips, though, is that they come with a warranty. Delidding your own CPU is just about the fastest way to invalidate your existing warranty, but if you ...
Yes, that is precisely what enthusiastic overclockers have been doing for years, delidding, or decapping (though the latter term is used less often in overclocking circles), chips through various DIY ...
TG Delidded CPU 的首发款式是 AMD 阵营目前游戏性能最佳的锐龙 7 9800X3D,未来还将扩展至锐龙 9 9950X3D 等型号。暴力熊官方工作人员将负责这些处理器的 ...
暴力熊 Thermal Grizzly 近日揭晓了一项针对高性能计算爱好者的创新产品——TG Delidded CPU 系列。这一系列处理器专为那些追求极致散热效果,却又对 ...
TL;DR: Thermal Grizzly offers delidded AMD Ryzen 9 9800X3D processors, optimized for higher overclocking with exotic cooling. Delidding removes the heat spreader, enhancing cooling but voiding ...
Thermal Grizzly has rolled out delidded processors under the TG Delidded CPU series, where they take responsibility for the warranty after removing the integrated heat spreader. This setup caters ...