本仓库如题所述, 为该课程提供 $\LaTeX$ 空白模板, 供学生填写实验内容后提交给老师. 本仓库在此仓库的基础上作修改. 关于编译等说明 请参照上一节提供的仓库的参考链接. 本仓库与参考仓库的不同之处 添加霞鹜文楷字体 (CJK font family 为 lxgw), 作为学生填充的 ...
This is the key digital and analog signal difference, and it’s at the heart of how so much of our technology works. You don’t have to be an engineer to understand why analog signals and digital ...
本书内容部分已翻译完成,目前所有章节均由本人翻译。 后续校对工作需要会陆续进行,希望有兴趣的朋友可以参与进来 ...
Compute approximations to Fourier transforms of continuous-time signals with finite discrete time methods. Take advanced courses in signal processing (image, speech, audio, etc.), communications, ...
Abstract: The WE® DSP32 digital signal processor is a high-speed, programmable, VLSI circuit with 32-bit floating-point arithmetic. The device can be used cost-effectively in a wide variety of complex ...
To transmit a digital signal without distortion on a channel, the bandwidth of the transmission medium must be very large compared to the spectrum of the transmitted digital signal. This chapter ...
Digital signal processing is a basis for the development of new methods in areas such as telecommunications (mobile telephony), multimedia (MP3), medicine (ultrasound), sonar, seismic, remote sensing ...
This module builds upon the signal processing theory introduced in ECS515 Signals and Systems Theory module. The aim of the course is to introduce you to the advanced concepts of processing signals ...
The current issue of SIGNAL Magazine is available digitally as a benefit of membership in AFCEA. It is also available as a subscription for non-members. By logging in as a member or subscriber, you ...