Despite that we are in a historic drought, Lake Williams, Redman supply is over 92 percent. ... Redman is full and Lake ...
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
Plans for a new dam are being developed in order to strengthen and improve the climate resilience of the Panama Canal ...
Modernized changes to long-held operating procedures at the dams walling Lake Oroville and New Bullards Bar Reservoir in Northern California could improve flood safety for communities along the ...
Iran faces severe water shortages as dam levels continue to fall, prompting authorities to urge citizens to reduce water ...
LAHORE: The Provincial Disas­ter Management Authority (PDMA) on Wednesday directed district ad­­ministrations of Punjab to prepare for a potential drought as the province faces a severe rains deficit.
Heavy rains have returned to Morocco after seven years of drought, bringing relief to many regions and increasing dam levels ...