Oryx 49:687-695. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 2015. Ecological site description, MLRA 081B-Edwards Plateau, Central Part. United States Department of Agriculture, San Antonio, Texas, ...
Though this year's bluebonnet season may be sparser than last year's vibrant, sweeping blooms, wildflower experts say that ...
When combined with dry vegetation and especially low humidity, high winds will create the ideal conditions for wildfires to ...
The National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio has issued a Red Flag Warning for the Hill Country, Edwards Plateau, Rio ...
The National Weather Service warned that any wildfires that do develop Wednesday could be difficult to control and will spread rapidly.
“Projected lows range from the teens across the Hill Country, including the Austin metro area and vicinity and southern Edwards Plateau, to 20s across the rest of the local area, with the ...
Windy weather is expected to stick around through the week as high winds and 90s could hit by Tuesday. With a windy spring break in store, it will take everyone’s mindful practice to contain the flame ...
Experts at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center are predicting a mixed season for spring flowers this year because of drought conditions in the Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos region.