Mirror reporter Cyann Fielding headed to Barcelona, in Spain, to investigate the current housing crisis ripping the city ...
The airports in the Aena (AENA) network in Spain closed February with 19,993, 427 passengers, 4% more than in the same month ...
This page gives complete information about the El Prat De Llobregat Airport along with the airport location map, Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date, hotels near the airport etc.
Having an airport is incredibly beneficial for a country, but there are five nations that don't have one at all.
Joaquín Prat és molt familiar, tant que, sempre que pot, enalteix el valor dels seus. I això és precisament el que ara ha fet ...
A gang of thieves scammed dozens of tourists when they returned their rental car to Barcelona airport at the end of their vacation. After some time, the tourists still had not received their deposit ...
El sindicat UGT ha amenaçat de convocar una vaga de sis dies entre finals de març i principis del mes d'abril a l’empresa de ...
Tots els vols cap a Alemanya des de l'aeroport de Barcelona-el Prat han quedat cancel·lats aquest dilluns a causa de les vagues que s'han convocat als principals aeroports del país. Els treballadors d ...