Ford and his wife had driven from Shreveport, La., spending the night in a van parked nearby, to witness the annual drama of elk rutting season in one of Colorado’s favorite mountain towns.
During the rut, or mating season, the male elk's distinctive call brings female elk and tourists alike to Estes Park, Colorado Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our Partners Terms of ...
thousands of visitors are drawn to Estes Park to watch herds of elk gather in the valley for their mating season, or “rut.” With this popular activity comes the responsibility for everyone to ...
With elk rutting season approaching, Rocky Mountain National Park will implement overnight closures in select areas of the park beginning Tuesday. Rangers have expanded the hours of closures this ...
Instead of getting up close, it's safest to observe elk using a zoom lens of a pair of binoculars. More more advice, see our guide how to enjoy elk rutting season safely.