The live GPIO pin monitoring library sets up the ESP32 to stream information about what all of the pins are doing in real time to a webserver, which displays the information as a helpful graphic.
All of the ESP32 GPIO pins are terminated on a GPIO header, with jumper options to disable terminations to the standard interfaces and instead route them to the GPIO header as needed. Additionally ...
A youtuber has developed a lighting system for staircases using the ESP32 module, the RD D03E mmWave radar sensor, and the ...
The system allows users to wirelessly control multiple AC appliances like lights and fans through an interactive web ...
In fact, the underlying procedure is mostly the same even when you’re on an ESP32 board. Once you’ve connected the BME280 (or ...
Because the Raspberry Pi 3B+ only has so many GPIO, it was necessary for Chang to develop a custom PCB to help operate all of the SMD5730 LEDs and TLC5916 driver modules. The ESP32 relies on an ...
Our original story can be found here. The ubiquitous ESP32 microchip made by Chinese manufacturer Espressif and used by over 1 billion units as of 2023 contains undocumented commands that could be ...