When it comes to prepping ahead and saving on waste at Christmas, your freezer is your friend. But how can you defrost food quickly, safely and without ruining it? A well-stocked freezer can be a ...
Butterball’s new cook-from-frozen turkey goes directly from the freezer to the table, no thawing needed. But how does it ...
It's Thanksgiving Day and you're finally ready to get your cook on. With all the holiday cheer you can muster, you reach for the turkey in the fridge, only to realize it's still a frigid solid mass.
This video was originally published in October 2016. We spoke with Robert Gravani, a professor of food science at Cornell University, to figure out the safe and unsafe ways to thaw your food.
On Thanksgiving, many of us will take on the challenge of cooking 12-20 plus pounds of poultry. This is not something we do every day! The basics of roasting a turkey at 325 degrees for ...