A “senseless” burglar who raided £6,300 of goods from a Boots store in two raids in one night has been jailed.
the team at Grain and Hearth opened up this shop in Faversham in late 2022 and the town has been treated to its delights ever since. They have a great selection of speciality coffee and some ...
The market town of Faversham was named among the quintessential market towns of the UK, and it's perfect for a weekend getaway.
A huge supermarket chain has shut its second shop from a town in as many years. Morrisons’ Daily convenience store in Preston Street, Faversham, brought down the shutters for the final time last ...
A woman from Faversham who was recognised for her skills at producing street food is teaming up with a local wellness expert to offer bite-sized nutrition advice online. Katie Newton from Wasted ...