As you’ll know if you have a skittish ferret in your life, they can hide, nip, or even run away when approached, so it’s important to take things slow. Naturally, this means building trust with ...
If you’ve ever seen both a ferret and a weasel, you’ll agree that it can be pretty difficult to spot the difference between ...
The tan ferrets also have black markings on their feet, legs, and tail tip. This animal's long slender body, like that of a weasel, enables it to crawl in and out of the holes and dwellings of its ...
Jackson knows just about everything about black-footed ferrets. "They're a really important little creature in that they depend on prairie dogs. They live in prairie dog burrows and eat mostly ...
With two assistants, the ferret is placed in dorsal recumbency, one individual takes control of the torso and caudal body and the other restrains the forearms and the head. If only one assistant ...
In the early 1900s, the United States was likely home to more than 5 million ferrets. But ferrets, which hunt prairie dogs for food and live in their burrows, were almost wiped out early in the 20th ...