Laboratory and Field Ecology: the Responses of Animals as Indicators of Correct Working Methods. By Prof. Victor E. Shelford. Pp. xii + 608. (London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1929.) ...
We ask the same sort of ecological questions that would intrigue a plant or animal ecologist, and we work in ecosystems as varied as deep ocean hydrothermal vents and the interior of the human gut, ...
Students will develop a range of applied skills through partnerships, with a specific focus on practical excursions and applied pursuits related to spontaneous plants, restoration science and trends ...
Cybertaxonomy will increase the arsenal of species identification tools available to the field ecologist, including browser-based field guides, interactive diagnostic keys, automated ...
Upon graduation, students will have obtained hundreds of hours in the field, from classroom labs, to research. This experience puts our students a step above the rest when it comes to working for ...