Here are the best companion plants for onions for pest control, pollinator attraction, and soil and crop health. Onions: The ...
If you want to enjoy the literal fruits of a tree's labor, consider growing helpful plants in its vicinity. One great option ...
Often the star of the gardens at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May, alliums (ornamental onions) with their purple globes are a stunning sign of summer's imminent arrival. Bees adore them, too. There ...
Agapanthus bulbs will do best in well-drained soil and enjoy full sun. Alliums are similar to Agapanthus, as the flower is displayed upon a long stem. They are another statement flower ...
Learn how to grow chives, a perennial herb with a subtle onion flavor, using these expert tips for a thriving garden.
Alliums, lilies, gladiolus, crocosmia, and dahlias are good summer-flowering bulbs to plant this month. If the ground is still cold and wet, start tender bulbs like dahlias and begonias indoors. Soak ...