We’ve all heard the term FOMO before, but have you ever stopped to wonder why we fear missing out? Here, an expert explains why we get FOMO, and how we can get it under control. If you don’t ...
This specifically refers to decisions where there are perfectly acceptable options in front of us, yet we struggle to choose just one.” McGinnis coined the term FOBO, as well as FOMO, back in 2004 ...
"An effective measure for resisting FOMO could be time. Large purchases, investments or significant decisions should be made with low time pressure, meaning that there is ample time to make a ...
This exposure fuels FOMO, which can lead to impulsive financial decisions. Approximately 40% of millennials reported that “social media causes them to spend money they do not have.” ...
I found myself falling victim to the dreaded FOMO, or the fear of missing out. When others are benefiting from their investments it can be easy to want in.Credit: Michael Howard FOMO affects all ...