Created by Jim Davis, Garfield is a mega-popular comic strip that has been running since 1976. The series concerns the lazy, sardonic, food-loving house cat Garfield, the dog Odie, and their ...
To self-host the bot, read NOTE: The content generated is from Garfield comics. This bot just scrapes the comics from the website. We also scrape from Garfield comics to get old comics.
It’s no secret that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 failed to live up to the critical and commercial expectations set by its predecessor, which largely contributed to why a sequel never materialized. The ...
Despite (seemingly) shutting down another Marvel return, Garfield would still be open to starring in a franchise. “If it felt in line with my soul and was gonna be fun,” he said.
I think the last time I read an actual, original Garfield comic was in 1998. Since then, my experience of the character has been one long litany of Gar-memes and in particular, Gorefield memes. For ...