Between standing guard while others eat, to switching off which bird leads in a V formation, geese embody cooperation, a ...
Canada geese are typically herded off of lakes during their flightless feather-molting period in June. In the past they've ...
Portsmouth City Councilor Kate Cook raised concerns about “health issues posed by the bird flu in relation to geese droppings ...
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is adopting a new strategy this year for dealing with large populations of Canada geese conflicting with humans in urban areas: No longer will the ...
Watch a bunch of adorable geese react to their human friend pretending to faint. My only personal experience with these creatures has been being chased by seemingly bloodthirsty geese on multiple ...
The sightings of dead geese on Lake Champlain have concerned local citizens as to the spread of avian flu to other animals and humans. Westport Town Supervisor Michael K. Tyler was not pleased when he ...
If you or someone you know found groups of dead birds in an area, contact Mower County Public Health at 507-437-9701.
Each spring, hundreds of thousands of swans, geese, cranes and other waterfowl descend on a Montana lake on their way to the Arctic. A small town festival draws thousands of bird fans.
Bird flu or avian influenza. It's a disease that mainly affects birds, but can actually infect humans if they are exposed.
Mower County Health and Human Services is warning residents about the potential for avian influenza in the area.