Researchers have identified a novel mechanism through which a protein in barley supports female fertility and could help safeguard yield security in the future.
The nucleus of a germline stem cell undergoes two divisions, firstly separating homologous chromosomes and secondly separating chromatids. Haploid gametes contain 23 single chromosomes.
The female gamete is called an ovum or egg. The plural is ova. Ova are produced from germline cells in the ovaries. Ovaries contain immature ova at various stages of development. Each ova is ...
SESAUA annual meeting featured a kidney cancer session and a presentation by Dr. Robert Smith discussing how age and tumor ...
The study, which was published in Nature Plants, found that within this preparation process, a single female germline cell is produced and is nursed by surrounding nucellar cells until fertilization.
An image of barley's progression from pistil to grain. Researchers have identified a novel mechanism through which a protein in barley ...
The fly testis, just like the mammalian testis, contains two different cell types- germ cells that will eventually become sperm and somatic cells that support the germline within the niche and as germ ...