Time was running out for Asiwa, a Rothschild’s giraffe in western Kenya ... separated from the other giraffes with only about an acre of land to forage for food. And the flooding was only ...
But these tallest of all land mammals are in the midst of a silent extinction. Africa's giraffe population has dropped by almost 40 percent in the past 30 years, dwindling to just more than 97,000 ...
Keeping his camera steady in the moving vehicle, Jose tracked the giraffe as it disappeared behind the giant pillars of Kenya's new Standard Gauge Railway. The grey concrete blocks dwarf nature's ...
The giraffe might be nature’s tallest land mammal, but it is completely dwarfed by the colossal concrete structure. The giraffe in the photo is a Maasai giraffe, also known as the Kilimanjaro giraffe.
Johari, a 20-year-old female giraffe, died at the facility around 6 a.m. on Saturday. Jonathan Bergmann, who is a doctor of veterinary medicine, said while the giraffe received monthly exams and ...
as the tallest land mammal on safari, their high visibility led people to assume they were doing well. Only recently have they been added to the Red List of endangered species. The giraffe given ...
Amirah the Masai giraffe gave birth to a female calf at 2:56 p.m. Saturday, said the Sacramento Zoological Society, which operates the Land Park zoo. The zoo said in a news release that the female ...