Gohan's rise to Super Saiyan 2 leads to defeating Perfect Cell but results in negative fallout, as Goku regains the spotlight. The Cell Games Arc is the eleventh saga in Dragon Ball Z and is the ...
Gohan Beast was an evolution of his Potential Unleashed form, but Cell Max reawakened his past trauma, acting as the final trigger. Unlike previous battles, seeing Cell Max reminded Gohan of the ...
Gohan Beast is debated as being one of the strongest mortals in the multiverse, so could he be God of Destruction level?
Toyotarou gives a strong hint to Dragon Ball fans about how Gohan's Beast form was introduced to surpass Goku's Autonomous ...
Gohan has always been a gentle soul. Fighting was never in his blood, but he needed to forsake this tenderness to fight Cell and save the world. This is something that Android 16 makes clear to ...
Dragon Ball has a lot of iconic characters, and one of the most misunderstood continues to be Gohan. This is either ... to the character's victory over Cell, which initially had Toriyama view ...