While all types can be grown indoors, softneck types tend to do better inside because hardneck types prefer colder climates. Winter garlic is easy to grow indoors, as it doesn’t have a period of ...
Even in winter, you can grow garlic indoors to enjoy the fresh, flavorful greens and cloves. Garlic (Allium sativum) is usually grown outdoors for its edible bulbs and greens. However, with some ...
Can you really grow garlic indoors? Yes you can and the good news ... Step 2: Trick the bulbs by faking winter Garlic bulbs first need to be exposed to fake winter conditions before planting.
Flavoursome garlic is an essential ingredient in so many recipes.  Easy to grow in the garden, it doesn’t take up too much space and it can be started off in the autumn or late winter in the ground or ...