HIV-1 Vif induces a unique and prolonged pseudo-metaphase arrest by disrupting phosphatase feedback regulation at the kinetochore.
For the first time, the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system has been successfully employed to cut HIV out of infected cells. The researchers hope this could one day lead to treatment that renders ...
Researchers are therefore exploring other ways to protect cells from HIV, including using CRISPR gene editing to disable or delete CCR5 receptors on immune cells. But there is an urgent need for ...
In August 23 Cell, Astrid Schröder and colleagues at The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California show that HIV-1 chooses active genes and local hotspots for integration in the human genome (Cell 2002, ...
HIV has been completely eliminated from cells in a laboratory, raising hopes of a future cure. Researchers completed the revolutionary task by using a gene-editing tool known as Crispr-Cas ...
Dolutegravir plus lamivudine demonstrates noninferiority to the standard-of-care three-drug regimen in treatment-naive patients with HIV without preliminary drug resistance testing. Researchers ...
At this point HIV has become AIDS ... Each chromosome contains short sections of DNA called genes. These genes carry the instructions that determine features, such as eye colour, hair colour ...
The Latest A new rule requires insurers to improve coverage of PrEP, which can prevent HIV, but Georgians face challenges getting the drug. Advocates for PEPFAR say Congressional failure to ...