Protesters want the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act to be passed by the US Congress Source: Chris McGrath/Getty Images 一些参加游行的人士与防暴警察发生混战 ...
Poon女士介绍说,全国各地的反送中运动是民间自发组织,并由民间组织“澳港联”(Australia-Hong Kong Link)协调举行的。 在上周日澳大利亚五地举行支持 ...
图像加注文字,学者何式凝、舒琪,作家陈慧与歌手何韵诗、黄耀明也在会上宣布成立文化界监察暴力行动组(文化监暴Hong Kong Shield),监察各种 ...
The central government has blamed "foreign forces," sometimes adding that they are "hostile," for orchestrating the 1989 protests, stoking the Hong Kong protests of 2014, and causing "ideological ...