The Hanukkah menorah, or hanukkiah, is one of the religious objects most commonly found in the Jewish home. The tradition of building up to lighting eight oil lamps (plus one shamash, or servitor ...
Rocket pieces and missile fragments that killed Israelis during the war with Hezbollah have been used to make a new hanukkiah in a project initiated by police bomb disposal experts, the Israel ...
Resources: You will need a lit hanukkiah, or a picture of one. There is also the option of playing a whole-school game of 'spin the dreidel' (see 'Suggested framework'). There is also an online ...
The most famous symbol of Hanukkah is the hanukkiah, the nine-branched candelabra which is lit each night, and can often be seen in house windows. Hanukkah celebrations are centred around lighting ...