How often you poop is highly personal, but there is a range that’s considered “normal.” Now, research suggests that the range ...
The ideal poo is a 'type 3' or 'type 4' – cracked or smooth sausage – delivered once per day. Are you a three-times a day kind of person, or is a trip to the lavatory a more rare and special occasion?
Step one – make sure you’re sitting correctly. A quick google search will tell you how to sit properly for your poo, and the key is to have your knees higher than your hips. It’s something w ...
Although there is no single, ideal poo, there are common characteristics that indicate if you have a healthy digestive system. So, in the interests of full disclosure, here are the expert FAQ’s ...
Over the last decade, nurse Rebecca Mottram has identified a range of symptoms that might signal your little one is struggling to poo.
“Red poo can be caused by beetroot and red food dye in food and drinks, but could also indicate bleeding in the bowel,” she explains. Where you have red poo and the cause is not food or drink ...