2017年,《Heart Signal》开创了“素人恋综”的时代。邀请八到十位素人,让他们在心动小屋中共同生活一个月左右,演播室嘉宾通过观察分析互动细节传达的好感信号来推理爱情线……这个设定形式被同类型节目沿用至今。
Your teeth are whispering secrets about your health! Have you heard them? It's time that you listen to them before you fall ...
于2017年推出的《Heart Signal》被誉为韩国恋综的开创始祖,目前已播至第四季,节目组找来8位年轻男女于「信号小屋」中合宿一个月,透过日常相处、约会、游戏等方式发展恋情,参赛者间不能直接表白,而是用「传送Heart Signal简讯」来表达好感,进而为节目增加悬念与情感张力。
A new radar device, developed by Dr. George Shaker and his research team at the University of Waterloo, could help detect ...
A new study suggests that dark matter could be shaping cosmic chemistry, with a proposed self-annihilating dark matter ...
If fat cells become metabolically stressed and dysfunctional, they start churning out chunks of mitochondria that serve as warning signals to the heart of potential catastrophe, suggest the authors of ...
Scientists have discovered that your heart’s unique shape could be a crystal ball for predicting future health problems. Published in Nature Communications, researchers analyzed detailed heart ...
A signal averaged ECG is a diagnostic test that averages multiple QRS complexes over a 10-minute time period, or at least 250 QRS complexes in order to see minute changes in the electrical ...