A simple neural change alters mating preferences in male butterflies, aiding rapid behavioral evolution, researchers report.
In a nutshell Butterflies choose mates based on vision, not scent or chance. Heliconius cydno butterflies are ...
A simple tweak in the nervous system can completely reshape the love life of male butterflies. Researchers found that a single neural change alters their attraction to specific wing colors, a crucial ...
Butterflies display a remarkable diversity of wing patterns, caused by evolution, interbreeding and the mixing of genes. Tiger longwings (Heliconius hecale), can be found in Central America and ...
The study, published in Current Biology, investigates the neural foundations of behavioral innovation in Heliconius ...
Male butterflies seek out mates with the same wing color as they find them more attractive, reveals new research. Genetics, vision and neural processing are all linked to mating behavior in Heliconius ...