当药物在体外抑制 hERG 离子通道时,会引发体内 QT 间期延长,这就像一颗 “定时炸弹”,大大增加了如尖端扭转型室性心动过速(Torsade de Pointes,TdP)等严重心律失常的风险。由于这个风险,许多原本很有潜力的药物,仅仅因为在早期发现有 hERG 活性,就不得 ...
Long QT syndrome type 2 (LQTS2) affects the HERG or KCNH2 gene on chromosome number seven. This mutation disrupts the normal operation of the potassium channels that control the heart's rhythm.
Inherited mutations in the hERG channel gene, or drug-induced inhibition of channel function lead to inherited or acquired Long QT syndrome (LQTS) and the development of lethal cardiac arrhthymias. As ...
Inherited mutations in the hERG channel gene, or drug-induced inhibition of channel function lead to inherited or acquired Long QT syndrome (LQTS) and the development of lethal cardiac arrhthymias. As ...