Herpetology is the Study of Herps and Herptiles The word “herp” is derived from ancient Greek and means “crawling thing” – so herpetology translates as “the study of crawling things”.
Herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians (including frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and the gymnophiona) and reptiles (including snakes, lizards, amphisbaenids ...
There is also a growing collection of frozen tissues taken from voucher specimens prior to preservation. The herpetology collection includes over 8,000 types of amphibian and reptile species and ...
A team of researchers has rediscovered a frog species which has not been seen in more than 130 years. First described in 1902 ...
Snake milking is a niche area nestled within the broader fields of herpetology (the study of amphibians and reptiles) and zoology (the study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and ...
The rediscovery is an important milestone for South American herpetology and the conservation of biodiversity in the southern cone. The frog Alsodes vittatus is an elusive creature – described ...