She said: "A hippo opens his mouth when afraid, to say look at my big mouth and teeth, or in play to play pushing games with other hippos, [they] also yawn like we do. To show anger if threatened ...
This is an image of hippo teeth products for sale in an ivory shop in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: Lions have them, hippos have them, and even you and I have them: canines, those long, pointy front teeth. They're actually the longest teeth in ...
poaching and trade in hippo parts — teeth, skulls, ivory, skin and meat — the future of hippos is uncertain. The comprehensive analysis of trade included in today’s petition demonstrates that hippos ...
Despite the size difference, hippos have sharp teeth with incredible force. But elephants can use their tusks to impale enemies. Both could do considerable damage with stomping. In one story ...
The Mara River makes the perfect home for hippos. They graze the surrounding reed beds and grassland and swim in the bends and pools of deep water. The river supports around 2,000 of these semi ...
A leopard-sized mammal sat atop its food chain 30 million years ago, hunting early hippos, primates and elephants ... syrtos, which boasted razor-sharp teeth and a powerful jaw, belonged to ...
Hippos are threatened by habitat loss and degradation, drought, poaching and the international demand for hippo parts, including teeth, skulls, ivory, skin and meat. Adam Peyman, wildlife programs ...