Molly the rescue dog and her puppies are recuperating from the eventful birth at the Arizona Humane ... until they are ready to move into a foster home. Dog Digs His Way to Safety After 3 Days ...
According to Professor Enikő Kubinyi, head of the Department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), there is indeed a connection between dog ownership and declining birth rates—but ...
A North Carolina dog just gave birth — and broke a record in the process ... "We are delighted that this will be her final [litter], and her next home will be her forever home," Kincaid says.
Mollie, a three-year-old from Fordham, delivered the large brood at home three weeks ago. This follows another Dachshund named Winnie who made national headlines when she gave birth to 11 puppies ...