MyHR Timesheets is a new module that can be accessed via MyHR that will enable the completion of paper based Timesheets and claims for additional hours to occur online for all relevant staff (see ...
These employees are eligible for the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and must complete time sheets to track all hours worked. Most William & Mary employees must submit their ...
Your supervisor is responsible for ensuring that you have recorded your recognition leave appropriately. Exempt employees who submit timesheets only when they take leave: NOTE: If you work fewer than ...
For users with a single job record – you will see Timesheet immediately. Note: Use the Timesheet page to report hours and time reporting codes for the current pay period. Unless otherwise requested by ...
Ability to enter time via your Timesheet or WebClock (whichever applies). Hourly and AFSCME employees will now have the ability to enter comments on their timesheets. Ability to enter time on a ...
To report late time, complete one of the late timesheets below and contact one of our campus timekeepers to assist you with the time entry. This includes student hourly employees who have been hired ...