Last month, a social media post drew attention to what the post called a “‘potential’ Eucharistic miracle” after a parish in ...
Every second, an adult generates around five million new blood cells to replace aging or dying ones, making the blood system a highly regenerative organ.
Deadly bacteria including E coli ‘sniff out’ and swim towards human blood in order to feast on it, a newly-discovered phenomenon scientists are calling ‘bacterial vampirism’. Researchers ...
Our blood consists of many cell types that develop through different stages from a precursor type -- the blood stem cell. An international research team has now investigated the developmental pathways ...
The functional, respiring organelles appear to be present in the blood of healthy people, but their function is yet unclear. After a year teaching an algorithm to differentiate between the ...
In a study published today in the ExRNA journal, researchers from the Novosibirsk Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine have proved that pre-analytical variables, as blood plasma or ...
a tiny lego piece measuring 0.00099 by 0.00086 inches—a bit larger than a human white blood cell. “It’s madness, I know,” David A. Lindon tells BBC News’ Emily Ford. “I love the challenge.
A breakthrough in bioprinting of living tissues could soon lead to 3D-printing of blood vessels and human organs, ushering in a new era of regenerative medicine. Guohao Dai, a bioengineering ...