In the box bought through an online auction is a tiny laptop that screams IBM, we’d identify it as a ThinkPad immediately if it wasn’t for that brand being absent. This is an IBM WorkPad ...
IBM’s ThinkPad, in a dominant showing, bested its rivals in five of six technical criteria and seven of nine channel criteria to earn the title of top notebook vendor in this year’ ...
It’s the IBM 701c, the famous “Butterfly” laptop, whose fold-out keyboard still gives it star quality, and [John Graham-Cumming] has documented the restoration of one from the tattered ...
To further its commitment to open-source, IBM is releasing Elyra. Elyra is a set of open-source extensions for AI for Jupyter Notebooks, a browser-based IDE that allows developers to write and ...
One brand name stands out for its unswerving commitment to quality, reliability and corporate conformity. We’re talking about the IBM ThinkPad, a laptop with 30 years of history, 200 million units ...