IBM这个名字,估计在关注科技的网友眼中,绝对是大名鼎鼎的。华为创始人任正非曾称IBM为“华为的老师”。早期,华为确实向IBM学习了很多,在上世纪90年代的时候,成立仅仅10年之久的华为,还华巨资引入了IBM咨询项目,进行了堪称经典的世纪管理变革。联想曾经也收购过IBM的个人PC业务,也就是Tinkpad个人电脑业务,一举成为全球第一大PC厂商。其实,IBM最早是在1984年进入中国市场的,并在北 ...
We’ve read a number of histories of the IBM PC and lived through that time, too. But we enjoyed [Gareth Edwards’] perspective in a post entitled The Misfit who Built the IBM PC. The titular ...
The IBM PC spawned the basic architecture that grew into the dominant Wintel platform we know today. Once heavy, cumbersome and power thirsty, it’s a machine that you can now emulate on a single ...