研究人员开展有氧运动干预对衰老相关肌肉减少症的研究,发现其可改善症状,Fndc5/irisin 起作用。 在这项研究中,24 月龄小鼠被用作自然发生的衰老相关肌肉减少症模型,2 月龄小鼠则作为正常对照。六周的跑步机训练被用作有氧运动干预。研究人员运用定量 ...
Despite reports questioning the role of the hormone irisin (and indeed, its very existence), Harvard Medical School’s Bruce Spiegelman and his colleagues today (August 13) provide fresh evidence ...
Exercise helps beef up bones, but exactly how hasn’t been clear. A study published today (December 13) in Cell points to irisin, dubbed the “exercise hormone,” as a messenger between muscle and bone ...