Reports said the jeepney, driven by Orlando Dungan Jr., tried to overtake as it was traveling along MacArthur Highway, causing it to collide with a tricycle with four people on board.
Considered as the Filipinos' preferred mode of public transportation, the jeepney has been a national icon since the end of World War II. Rising fuel costs and a push to reduce carbon emissions ...
“While we recognize that jeepney drivers and operators are burdened by rising global oil prices, the LTFRB must ensure that any fare increase takes into consideration the welfare of the ...
“Kahit piso [na dagdag-pasahe], masaya na kami... Pwede hanggang two pesos... 'Yung mga traditional jeepney, magiging 15 pesos [ang minimum fare]. 'Yung mga modern jeep, magiging 17 pesos,” she said. ...