Have you ever wondered what makes jelly wobble? If so, a food scientist has looked into the science behind what makes one of our favourite childhood foods move so curiously. The research is reported ...
The development of self-healing biodegradable materials has wobbled forwards thanks to researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK), who have produced a ‘jelly-like’ material with properties far in ...
One such short called "The Jelly Wobble" teaches the importance of psi with the aid of an orange jelly cake placed on the passenger seat. The instructor hits the track with his spineless co-driver ...
Lovely tasty jelly – which is on the sweet side, but does taste of the berries it’s made of – and offers a satisfying wobble. WHEN it comes to taste, these almost edged it in the test.
The Jelly That Wouldn't Wobble - Signed children's story. Join the Princess at her birthday, where she wants her special jelly. But there’s a problem - it won’t wobble!