referring to ancient Jewish texts dating to the early centuries of the Common Era. The tunnels were dug from the top down using special drilling machines that carved out burial niches on the walls.
Sasha and Sapir also toured the Western Wall Tunnels, where they delved into the depths of Jewish history in Jerusalem and the site's profound significance. They also visited the newly-opened "Sha’ar ...
that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other tunnels. Until there’s a broad solution, there won’t be a choice but to rely on intelligence.” JTA has documented Jewish history in real-time ...
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. (New York Jewish Week ...
Purim reminds us that salvation can come in the blink of an eye and that even in our darkest moments, we are never alone.The post The gallows, the tunnels and ...
At one point, he was lowered into a tunnel in a bucket. He recalled being spit on and cursed by his captors. Although he lost 17 kilograms during captivity, he remained committed to his Jewish ...