Donald Trump se ha convertido este lunes en el presidente número 47 de Estados Unidos tras una ceremonia de investidura en la ...
太晚退出总统竞选的他,将被铭记为造就了特朗普2.0。 If the essence of Greek tragedy is that the hero is undone by his flaws, Joe Biden gets star billing. He defeated Donald Trump, stood up to Russia, enacted more reforms than ...
If the essence of Greek tragedy is that the hero is undone by his flaws, Joe Biden gets star billing. He defeated Donald Trump, stood up to Russia, enacted more reforms than Bill Clinton and Barack ...
专家们解释了这个词的含义,以及它的分量。 US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Source: SBS 美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)指责俄罗斯领导 ...
他在接受NBC记者采访时,背景人群正在高呼侮辱乔·拜登的粗话:“F**k Joe Biden”。 当时采访记者提高了嗓门说:“正如大家在人群中听到的呼喊。
美国新总统 川普 (Donald Trump)22日接受上任后首场专访,批前总统拜登(Joe Biden)大肆特赦,直言:“可悲的是,他没有赦免自己”。 根据《国会山报》,川普22日接受《福克斯新闻》(Fox News)主持人汉尼提(Sean Hannity)专访,表示:“这家伙(拜登)到处给每个人赦免。有趣的是,也可能是可悲的是,他没有赦免自己。” ...