In 1950 Senator Joseph McCarthy declared to Congress that Far ... He was eventually exonerated but those hearings took a lasting economic and personal toll on the scholar. Here's how they worked.
It was February 1950 when Joseph McCarthy ... In 1953, Kamin received a summons to appear before one of the McCarthy hearings in the old courthouse at Boston, where he was pressed to reveal ...
Senator Joseph McCarthy (right) and Senator Karl Mundt (left) being interviewed by the media after initial discussions in the 36 days of the Army-McCarthy hearings in the Senate McCarthy’s most ...
Wife on crutches joins McCarthy at hearings WASHINGTON, April 22, 1954 (UP) - Spectators cheered as Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his wife, Jean, who was using crutches, entered the gaudy Senate caucus ...
The first six months of 1953 was a period to warm the cockles of Senator Joseph R ... White case—in which McCarthy had had no part. Last week, with public hearings regarding Communism in ...
they're cooler headed than one chairman," Joseph N. Welch LL.B. '17 said last night. Speaking at a Law School Forum, Welch, counsel for the Army in last spring's Army-McCarthy hearings ...