Analysis: it took Irish courts and legislators until the 1970s to restore women's equal rights to serve on juries For most of ...
On 29 March 2023, a retired social worker from Walthamstow, Trudi Warner, was arrested for standing outside Inner London ...
The UK Court of Appeal recently ruled on an appeal brought by 16 environmental activists serving prison sentences for ...
But the US jury system isn't perfect. For instance, it wasn’t until 1968 that women were allowed to serve on juries in all 50 states. And while it’s been illegal to exclude African Americans ...
Georgia does not give special grand juries indictment powers. In November, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as special counsel to oversee two Justice Department inquiries into ...
“Juries are the cornerstone of the criminal justice system, and current laws mean that their deliberations must be carried out in absolute secrecy. In fact, to share discussions from within a ...
Juries in all Connecticut sexual assault trials will now be permitted to consider delays in reporting sexual assault allegations to police when weighing the complainant’s credibility ...
So far, there are two known grand juries, one in DC and one in Virginia, tasked with hearing testimony and reviewing evidence into Mueller probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and ...