SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Wind-driven wildfires that were among South Korea’s worst ever were ravaging the country’s southern ...
South Korea's acting president Han Duck-soo says the damage is "snowballing" - with a 1,300-year-old temple among the ...
A centuries-old Buddhist temple has been destroyed as South Korea struggles to contain ‘unprecedented’ wildfires ravaging the ...
韩联社称,据韩国警方人士透露,警方已从18日下午开始对韩国最大在野党共同民主党党首李在明提供安全保护,目前尚未确定结束时间。据报道,3月12日,共同民主党称将向警方申请对李在明进行贴身保护。共同民主党发言人黄靖雅近日在国会告诉记者,包括该党领导层在内的多名议员近期收到信息,称有人正计划偷运手枪入境用于暗杀李在明。对此,韩国警方回应称,在得知该消息后,已加强相关情报收集,表示若掌握重要线索,将迅速展 ...
Wildfires have been burning for days in the country's south-east, with authorities warning the situation is still not under ...
South Korea has set up a "reciprocal" platform in a disputed area of the Yellow Sea, known in Seoul as the West Sea, where ...
Wildfires were ravaging the southern region of South Korea Wednesday, leaving dozens of people dead, including a helicopter ...
Wind-driven wildfires in South Korea have killed 18, destroyed over 200 structures, and forced 27,000 to evacuate as ...
Multiple wildfires are raging across South Korea's south-eastern region, with thousands of firefighters aided by the military deployed in a bid to contain one of the country's worst forest fires in ...